Saturday, 24 September 2016

Starting Second Year: What happened to this blog?

So it's been a few months since I've written for this blog... would you believe I've had two posts in drafts for four months? I didn't even remember I had two posts in drafts until I checked out this blog when I thought about starting it again!

I didn't publish anything because in terms of timing, it wouldn't have made much sense to have written about the end of my first year in the middle of summer! 

To summarise, I did a law assignment in one day (which is probably why I didn't do very well in law) but then I dyed my hair blue and went home for the weekend to help my mum move house. Then to finish off the year after the Easter holidays, it was a bit of a blur of finishing off assignments and having four deadlines due in a very short time span. 

But my first year is done and dusted and I came out of it with a 2:1 so it bodes well for a good start to second year, hopefully.

Since the end of first year at the end of April and going back to second year at the end of September, a lot has changed - I've moved flats three different times, I've been to MCM ComicCon and Summer in the City, I've networked and worked a lot on my personal blog and I've started a brand new project called The Student Seat (links below, I'd highly recommend giving it a look!) where students can give blogging a try and share experiences - I'm really pleased with it and always looking for new writers!

I'm much more organised with my blogging life now - I write on Sophie Counts Clouds on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and I upload on The Student Seat on Sundays. I'm planning to update this blog on a Saturday, because blogging five days a week is a great idea in second year... I'll get back to you on how true that is.

I'm currently using a notebook to write all my ideas down in because I have so many ideas that I just need to write them down or I'll forget, so my blog is actually planned quite well in advance. I'm really liking the set up right now and I'm hoping it'll last!

Uni starts again in two days (Monday 26th) and I'm actually quite excited, in an appropriately apprehensive way I think. I'm looking forward to having a routine and a schedule again and I'm going to be documenting it on this blog!

First year was actually really fun, let's see how second year compares.

Personal blog:
The Student Seat: