Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Week 19: A week of too much / BBC Three Week 2

Just to begin: I know this post is a couple of months late, but I feel like you'll understand once I get into what happened in my second week at BBC Three.  

Monday I was rearing and ready to go - I had done week 1 and I was almost excited to go back to my familiar underground route and see what the second week had in store.

The daily drop meeting with all the weekends social media feedback and statistics was really interesting and I nearly got invited out on a shoot that I had to turn down because it would have meant I wouldn't get back till nearer 3am and I had to be up at 6am to get ready to get the train.

I spent most of the day typing up all my ideas for Amazing Humans and sending them off to the film team - they were super helpful and they said they really liked some of my ideas and I got really good feedback.

I then spent the rest of the day working predominantly on researching press emails for film, music and TV companies to get their releases for the next six months, to see if BBC Three could do a collaboration to promote any new releases. As well as this, I did some research into who played the original Teletubbies sun, as the show was being remade and a new baby had been cast, and tried to get in contact with her.

At this point, I got to go to an editorial meeting similar to the one I went to on my first day in Week 1, but this week I got to pitch some of my ideas. They really liked some of them and one idea using a new music release to re-promote an older story on social media went really well.

Monday evening is when the week started going downhill (and why this post is so late) - I rushed through my train journey to try and make it to the last hour of dance training, I'd paid money for a taxi and literally ran to be there and then the team spent the last hour pratting around and I had no idea of the new part of the routine and it felt like a huge waste of my time and I was exhausted.

Then, in short, when I got home my mum rung me and told me my nanny was very poorly and I needed to go home to say goodbye. 

So Tuesday morning I set off into London Waterloo from Southampton and at the end of the day I took a completely different route to London King's Cross and home to Peterborough from there.

During my day at BBC Three on Thursday, I worked a lot on contacting film companies and sorting their responses into a Google docs spreadsheet. It all felt really formal and I really enjoyed it - something about answering emails makes me feel official and a little bit important and especially when you've got 'BBC' in your email address.

I also did some research for my story idea about the mainstream media ganging up on Zoella, based on a Guardian article that called her the reason children's literacy rates are declining because her books are too easy (don't get me started - why attack the YouTuber that runs a book club? Anyway!). I also researched another idea I had, using the Nintendo Switch launch as an anchor to talk about older gamers, as there's a community of gamers aged 60+.

I then left a little early to get a train home.

My nan and my family didn't want me sacrificing my time at BBC Three for anything (I asked probably a thousand times), so I was up at 6am again on Wednesday leaving for the train station. This morning more than all the others I was absolutely exhausted and I really struggled to engage and focus.

Ironically, Wednesday was the day I was asked to write something for the website - alongside finishing off the film releases and doing research for a story one of the other writers was working on, I was given a video by the head of Editorial and asked to write it up into a listicle style piece as a way to guide more viewers to the YouTube and BBC iPlayer videos that were published about six months ago and didn't do so well.

This story was posted after I left, but it was so beneficial to be able to work with the writers and see how they adapted my words into their style and I started to take on their house style.

Thursday was one of the most exciting days for me in my placement - I got to go on a film shoot for a video for Comic Relief. This post has taken me so long to write that the video is now out - you can watch it here - I'm not in it at all (obviously) but it was a really interesting day. I spent the whole day watching kit but talking to the crew and seeing how it all works and understanding a lot of what they're talking about because I know a lot of TV people at uni was just so interesting, I loved it. I'd love to do more shoots in the future and I'm hoping to get involved with this at university too.

However, the journey home was an absolute nightmare as the underground was manic and all the National Rail trains were delayed and I didn't get home till really late and I was really tired and not in the mood for anything.

But I got up at 6am the next day and did it all again - I had lost my work experience pass so I had to get a new one in the morning, I was nearly late for the daily drop meeting because one of the underground lines had completely shut down at my stop so I had to find a new route, but 90% of the office were delayed too.

I started by catching up on my emails that I missed because of the shoot day, I did some more work on the listicle I wrote and carried on adding films to the Google docs spreadsheet.

Friday was my busiest day - I was given another listicle to write, I was given some factual research about videos BBC Three made last year for a variety of American sports events.

And in the evening I met up with my sister and we went to go see my favourite band on their first night of their UK tour. It all feels so long ago now, they've released two more songs since then. 

Sorry if this post sounds a bit formal - I'm in the mindset of assignment writing right now and writing this post is a little bit emotionally draining for me!

I've now basically finished second year - most of my classes have ended and I only have one assignment left, but I have notes on each week from the rest of this semester and I fully intend to write them up by the end of the month!

Thank you for reading!

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