Saturday, 16 January 2016

Week 14... Still not back at uni!


Whilst I'm still not back at uni yet, this week drawing to a close marks the end of my 'work experience' weeks, sees me past my last two deadlines and into a week of completely freedom.

I am disappointed not to have had work experience right now, but I'm so glad to have had the time to work on my photography deadline - I love photography, taking photos is something I've become really passionate about since I started learning about it professionally but the portfolio work was stressful to say the least!

But I got the first assignment done with a total of 2000 words and the second assignment I put my heart and soul into with only a few words shy of 10,000 words! That second assignment was the one I really got into though and took pictures of stuff I was interested in and cared about, which I didn't with 75% of the first assignment so it was more difficult to finish.

So after many very, very late nights (I never want to see 7am again) I got everything submitted! I'm so proud of my second assignment and I hope it'll pull up the grade for the first one. It's all behind me now!

In the few days I've had off I've been reading (I finished a book and wrote a review on my personal blog, Sophie Counts Clouds that I'm really proud of!), sleeping, looking after my ill boyfriend and perking up late at night and writing three blog posts in one go!

That definitely isn't tonight. I definitely didn't write a post on SophieCountsClouds, for UCAS and here all in one night... I'm feeling inspired and motivated right now!

I really have got a new found love for blogging - now that I've finished blogging every single day on my personal blog, I get to blog when I choose and I'm writing posts that are longer, more in-depth and generally better! I'm so proud.

My goal for the next week is to look into and send some emails to companies regarding doing work experience during the Easter Holidays (because I missed my chance in the last two weeks) - I'm particularly interested in radio, photography or blogging so any tips would be much appreciated! I figure if I write this goal here, I can feedback next week with how well I did!

However, my dad is visiting next week and it's my boyfriend's birthday so I'm going to do some baking for a little tiny gathering-that-doesn't-quite-deserve-to-be-called-a-party-thing we're having! It's going to be busy and I'm looking forward to some more structure.

I'm also going to a workshop on blogging with a guest speaker and another workshop on handling stress, so I'm looking forward to those too!

I'm actually looking forward to going back to uni and getting a bit more structure in my life!

Personal blog:
YouTube channel:

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