Monday, 25 January 2016

Week 15: Last week off!

Hi there!

As I write this, I've just had my first lecture back at uni! But I'm going to keep Monday as my upload day for this blog so I can talk about the week prior (so I won't tell you about today's lecture until next week!).

So obviously, as I only just got back to uni there's not much to say about last week but I still wanted to document it a little - this blog is so I can look back at the end of my degree or when I'm 30 and think back to the times I had at uni from a more academic perspective. I've got a personal blog and YouTube for the other stuff!

This week wasn't very eventful - I had a very bad day Sunday and Monday I was recovering but Tuesday my dad came down to visit so I got to have dinner with him and spend Wednesday shopping with him (he bought me a lot of food from Sainsburys and a new phone to replace the one I dropped... oops?). Thursday, I woke up very early (considering I've not been up for uni in three weeks!) and met my dad at 9am to see him off and then I went back to bed. I was supposed to be having a 'day' with the boyfriend but he didn't get up till about 3pm so it was more of an afternoon/evening! 

Friday I had a lie in and then did some baking in the evening, then I played some very competitive MarioKart with my boyfriend and our friend. They were so loud that security came up with a noise complaint but it was funny none the less. 

Saturday was all baking and helping my friend set up his YouTube channel before a Sprinkles date with the best banoffee pancakes I've ever had and Sunday was my boyfriend's birthday!

So I stayed up fairly late because my 9am this morning but it was worth every second.

When I think about it like this it was a busy week, but I'm almost looking forward to going back to uni and having a bit more routine this week - I even joined a gym today!

Here's to getting back to normality and 9am's!

Personal blog:
YouTube channel:

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