Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Week 16: Week 1: Back To Uni!


Sorry this post is late - this week has been busier than I anticipated and my sister was down to visit too so finding time to update this blog has been sparse!

My first lecture back at uni, a 9am start after I'd been up till 3am celebrating my boyfriend's birthday, was a lecture that I'd been given before by a sports journalism lecturer. The same lecturer had given us that exact lecture before and I think I spent 90% of the lecture moaning about it on twitter (productive!). I then sat in my uni's canteen for three hours blogging and looking for work experience and job and getting distracted by god knows what, before going to my seminar in the afternoon which was actually quite good - it was a new unit called Writing Development and as someone who runs three blogs, I can safely say I quite like writing so being given assignments and getting ideas and feelings organised made me feel quite good!

Until shorthand that is, shorthand was painfully horrific - I like shorthand, I love the art itself but our teacher is painfully one-track-minded and enduring her for two hours hurt my brain just a little bit.

But Tuesday was another 9am start and a new day with a new unit - law! It's a much more academic unit than everything we've done so far and I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would, even though I'm struggling to remember everything and there's a lot of words and terminology that I need to learn! After the 9am lecture, I had a couple of hours break and then a two hour seminar in the afternoon which just followed on from the lecture and was equally as interesting. And I was all finished by 2 so it was a nice early day!

Wednesday was the first news day of the term and considering how awful news days were last semester, I was not looking forward to it. However I got a decent story with a good group and it actually made me somewhat optimistic for news days for the rest of the term!

Thursday was a day off that I very much needed - I can't remember what I actually did but I imagine that I did a lot of sleeping and playing MarioKart Wii.

And Friday brought on another new unit - video production! We started to learn about the cameras in the practical part of the lesson and that was fun and then in the 'theory' session was questionable - the teacher was one I definitely need to get used to, she seems quite cutting and very particular. She sounds like someone who will mark our work based on how much she likes it rather than how good it actually is. 

But that was the end of the week! On the Sunday I went out with my news day group to get footage for two stories and it felt very productive and so much fun to do what I'd been waiting to do for three months!

I'm about to start writing the post for Week 17, whilst I'm in Week 18 now - I'll try to be more up to date next week!

Definitely need to sort my organisation!

Personal blog: http://sophiecountsclouds.blogspot.co.uk/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/SophieCountsClouds
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SophieALuckett

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