I feel like I need a week off between every week of uni just because every week is so busy but that's not how it works, so here's to week 3!
Monday was a difficult day - since Thursday the previous week I've been feeling increasingly more ill and after an 8.30am Asda trip, the rest of the day was feeling like a bit of a push. After my lecture first thing, I felt a little bit like death and didn't go to the seminar (obviously emailing my lecturer and getting the work I missed out on, obviously) and I did go to my package seminar in the evening just because I needed to talk to the lecturer - being ill can't stop anything at uni because if you stop you'll miss something.
I'm working on a package story about Joe Fox, who's performing at a cafe in Southampton but has a pretty cool backstory. Have a read on the event page if you want to know a bit more. I'm not sure this story's going to go through because I'm still waiting for people to respond to me but I've got back up stories in the running just in case it all falls through. But I feel like that's just the story of a journalist!
Tuesday was another Who's the Boss lecture, my least favourite. They're always rubbish. This week we learnt all about how things can be interpreted differently by different people. I know right, I'm so glad I'm paying £9000 a year. So glad.
Wednesday was a News Day planning day and this one was a little bit different to every other one I've been to - today, rather than being a News Journalist I was being a Social Media Assistant Producer. I had to go to the editors meeting in the morning and I felt like I was actually useful! I've been making and uploading content to the SSU Journalism Facebook page and twitter page so if you want to see what I've been up to have a look there, I'm really pleased with the little teaser video I made from planning day.
Thursday was a pretty slow day, still feeling pretty under the weather but the InDesign session was really useful because we actually started working on our assignment workbook and I actually started making some research notes.
Who's the Boss on the other hand was a different story entirely.
We debated whether marmite was good or bad. Yes, the yeast based product marmite. That only one member of my class liked. It was the most pathetic 45 minutes of my life and the only thing I really questioned was whether it was really worth £9000 a year. Nine thousand pounds. It hurts my heart.
Friday was a nice lazy day for me - I needed it to try and recover from this cold I couldn't shake and in preparation for working an Open Day at uni on the Saturday. So I went for lunch in the SU with my friends, went for an Asda trip where I bought a lot of baking supplies and Halloween glitter but then had a chilled afternoon, desperately trying to shake the coughing.
But today has been super busy! I was at uni for 7.45am this morning and then working the Open Day at uni till about half past three. I'm absolutely shattered and have spent the rest of the afternoon napping, eating the most amazing stir fry the best boyfriend in the world has ever made and watching The Flash. It's been a good night.
And tomorrow I'm going to a cafe with my friend to get some hardcore work done and then finish the Flash season 1 and start the Flash season 2. It's going to be a very exciting weekend.
Personal blog: sophiecountsclouds.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sophiecountsclouds/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/sophiecountsclouds
The Student Seat: https://thestudentseat.wordpress.com/
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