Normally when I write these blog posts, it's off a set of notes I've been writing throughout the week so I don't forget anything. I feel like that fact I've not made any notes this week summarises the kind of week I've had.
Monday and Tuesday were always going to be stressful - I had to do a Pitch Presentation, pitching three feature ideas to three different publications to a lecturer and someone else I didn't know who is an industry professional, or something. So my Monday lecture and seminar were cancelled because of these ongoing presentations but mine wasn't till Tuesday, so I used the time to work more on my pitch and also the full package story that was due as part of another unit, also due on Tuesday.
See why I was stressed?
So Monday was a lot of prep working from home - I managed to get quite a bit done for the pitch, then I went in early to the package seminar that was still on to work on editing my package before the hand in the next day. Then I had dance and had an early night.
Tuesday morning, I was up and in my lovely little cafe spot at 8.30am to start working. I had to edit the video for my package and that took a solid three hours, but from there I made the final notes for my pitch presentation, went to a tutorial meeting with my level tutor, went to Asda, started writing the copy for my package and went to do my presentation.
They were running so far behind on presentations that I had to wait 35 minutes and miss my lecture but it was Who's The Boss so I really couldn't care less. So I came home, carried on working on the copy for my package and then prepared to submit everything - video done, audio edited, pictures edited, copy written - assignment submitted before I went to dance.
Now that was a nice feeling.
And after all that, Wednesday was another Newsday. I wrote a story about a 48 Hour Film Challenge that is happening this weekend, you can read all about it here: Exposure Filmmakers Host 48-Hour Film Festival This Weekend
Thursday was a good day actually - two hours of InDesign was really useful because I got to make a start on the workbook I really should have started on Tuesday and is due on Monday - about five days from now. I'm actually getting into and enjoying making the InDesign workbook, it's a way of virtually making pretty designs and I'm quite enjoying the process of it.
Friday was a bit of a day off - bit of a lie in, then going to the SU with my friends (taking my laptop to work on the workbook, obviously). I then came back home to work on the workbook and had a break to go for a free drink and pancakes, before coming back to... work on the workbook! I didn't work hard and fast all day long but I worked kind of consistently and had YouTube on in the background and I got way more done than I was ever anticipating to.
Today hasn't been so successful - after staying up till 3am working and the boys playing GTA, we all slept in pretty late and then went into town for some things we needed to pick up. From there it was back to working on the workbook, watching the Flash with fish and chips and a spontaneous trip to see Doctor Strange at the cinema.
I'm hoping to get some more work done this evening when we get back from the film and then tomorrow will be another day of work before a Halloween fundraiser for dance that I'm taking a bunch of my friends too.
Next week is enrichment week so not a lot will be going on at uni because whilst I'm sure there's stuff going on, I don't know about any of it. I'll probably still write a post because I'm working on my blog re-design next week so I'll keep you up to date!
Personal blog:
The Student Seat:
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